
Avena - an image processing tool

    avena [options] average <image>...
    avena [options] clip from (<y1> <x1>) to (<y2> <x2>) <image>...
    avena [options] filter (high|low) <radius> <image>...
    avena [options] flip (vertical|horizontal) <image>...
    avena [options] interp <factor> <image>...
    avena [options] logistic <k> [<x0>] <image>...
    avena [options] tile [--periodic] (9) <image>...
    avena [options] translate [--] (<y> <x>) <image>...
    avena [options] view <image>...
    avena [options] xcor (<image> <image>)...
    avena -h | --help
    avena -v | --version

    --ext=<STR>     Specify the format to save images.
    --random        Save to a random file name.
    --in-place      Overwrite the file.
    --normalize     Normalize images before saving.
    --no-normalize  Save images without normalizing.
    --tiled=<k>     Map on tiles of size (k, k).
    -h, --help      Print this help.
    -v, --version   Print version information.